It has cooled down a bit but is very humid. We had a walk and then over to take a few things out of the container. I am still having problems finding what I want. I may have to doanother look over the week end. The skies have been quite spectacular. We have had a bit of rain as well, which is good. About to head to schoolies week end, the local paper says we could expect 10,000. I dont look forward to it. An early shop tomorrow I think. I think we are getting a bit boring, trouble with not sleeping well. I was tagged on fb to do a week of black and white photos. Would you believe I have no idea how to do this? I dont fiddle with my photos, I did once but not any more. I found an old very old ( about 1959/60) one of John and I now can I find any more? The photo albums have been packed away and I am not sure where they are. I guess I will find them one day.
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