I have painted papers, and tried to trap flower petals between tissuetex and vliesofix, not doing terribly well there.
I have finished these three little girls, not a terribly good photo I am afraid. I have made these little pin dolls and two silly little bird pins as well.
It has been fun and I am slowly getting there with a few things to sell at Ballarat this year. Lots more going on but not finished and I am being slow.
This morning we went to visit friends who were down from Adelaide at their farm for morning tea and to collect some plums from their very productive orchard, it is quite new and is full fenced from rabbits and birds so they have fruit, we dont have much normally but this year the birds have left us alone so we may even get a few pears which will be lovely.
A great way to catch up with all the affairs of the world and what is going on in our families, it is so sad that we dont seem to see each other a lot any more but for some reason all our lives have got busier, not slower, as one thinks will happen at our age.
Back to seeing if I can make a better job of trapping flowers, I will try hydrangeas this time, not rose petals, I think my rose petals are rather too meaty for this!
Sweet little pin birds, Penny!
I love your work Penny, - Wanda has already used the word 'sweet' and it is the one that came into my mind as I saw your lovely dolls and birds. Keep trying with the petals....
Love those little birds and their skinny legs and the dolls are very cute Penny
Your dolls and birds are adorable, Penny!
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