A few more garden photos, I have been busy doing non interesting things today so these photos I took a day or so ago will fill the gap and make me feel that I do have a garden out there.
the weather has become very autumn like, usually in March we have very hot weather but not so far this year. I will be glad when daylight saving is over as it is pitch black at 6.30 am these days.
My datura has had a bit of a hard time lately, but is flowering beautifully and the perfume in the evening is superb.
I threw out a handful of pumpkin seeds a few months ago and the vine is spreading out into the paddock and this is one of a number of huge pumpkins that are growing, I hope there are enough to keep me going with pumpkin soup through the winter. I thought they were Japanese pumpkins but this looks more like a Queensland blue so maybe I kept a mix of seeds. John wasnt going to grow any this year, but I love pumpkin soup and roast pumpkin.
Finally, the other day when we were walking at Kings Beach I took a photo of all the wanderer butterfly caterpillars on this cotton bush, now did I put this up before? Well if I did it is worth looking at again as their colours are magnificent, worthy of the butterfly they will become.
I remember going to the silk museum in Japan and being amazed at the different coloured silk caterpillars there were, some were striped rather like these. I had only ever seen the white ones we had as children (well and as an adult when I grew them on mulberry leaves).
Poor Japan, one feels so helpless in the face of all that suffering.
I just wanted to tell you that I have enjoyed visiting your blog today. I have loved every minute of the time spent looking through all your pictures.
Love the smell of daturas also:)
Thanks for your kind visit, Penny!
Have a wonderful upcoming weekend!
Gaby xo
I feast on your beautiful flowers, Penny and thank you for reminding me that summer is coming.... I enlarged your silk worm pictures and gazed, fascinated, thinking about the gorgeous silk thread we reel from their cocoons. I have a warm on my loom right now and and will be making silk cloth from strips of old silk blouses once it warms up enough that I can use my travel trailer loom room.
p.s. that would be a 'warp that I have on my loom......
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