I was lucky enough to spend a day playing at eco dyeing with India flint over at Yankalilla yesterday. India, who is a world wide acclaimed artist, has been funded through a grant to run a series of workshops, the first of which was dyeing the flags for an installation. This was held in well known local artist Karen Hammats studio, isnt it just the best hobbit house? It is a gallery as well as a studio and oh how I would love one like this. I think about 12 of us gathered yesterday to work as India put it "magic" and magic it was to unroll those bundles of silk we had placed eucalyptus leaves into, tied with string and put in a pot of hot water with more leaves and simmer for various times. and see what had happened to them.

I am going back tomorrow to do some more and then over the week end we sew them together(tomorrows pieces). I am planning! More eco dyeing and I will try various leaves we have here and see what happens when I have time. I have already found an old pot. I know where there is another small copper, what fun! So the gallery, a dye pot emptied of our bundles, the line full of fluttering magic flags, and finally my flags, I was so pleased to get this amount of colour. My second flag which was tied around some iron is still steeping, to be unrolled tomorrow. I had to miss out on a 5 day workshop with India last year as my mother was in the last stages of her illness so this has been such an added bonus. On top of that John had a good days fishing yesterday so there is fresh fish for dinner tonight, a small whole baked red snapper.
I didn't get any photo's Penny only little red crosses :-((
Nothing here, either, Penny.
So I am trying to imagine it all...
Photos are missing, but I'll be back.
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