Last night Millie and her parents came for dinner and while playing in the dolls house her mother found the old viking hat which we did have on Millies head but she wasnt too impressed with that and I was a bit late with the camera, but she didnt mind holding it.
The other photo is to show that her hair is slowly growing.
Then the owl and the pussy cat with his duck that I was doing the other day. Millie had a lovely time moving them around and playing with them so perhaps they will sell. I have actually made them for sale. I know they are a bit mad but I love making them and they have kept me quiet for a while.
I have had a not so good morning so far, the entire herd of over 300 cows some how managed to get into the garden and orchard, as we have had quite a lot of rain the whole place is a total disaster, enough to make me weep as I just dont feel fit enough to get out and fix it.
It has poured with rain 14 mm in about 3 hours and all the gutters overflowed as well and I got soaked trying to prop up one gutter but the rain was so fast and heavy in the end all the gutters overflowed. So cow pug holes every where.
I am not sure if this is appropriate but it is a quote by E.K. Brough, who I do not know.
"And remember, we all stumble, every one of us.
That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand."
Oh Penny,I feel for you. My sister had to cope with a pet pig on their property which occasionally got into her garden - pigs are very large and the amount of damage their snouts can do is truly incredible. You must be pleased in the end about the rain though. Cheers, Robin
Love the Blog Penny, Fantastic about reaching the 1000. I am Gloria from France who is on Holey Moley too.
First...your little animals are are very talented.
I thought your quote was very appropriate...manuvering around all the holes the herd of cattle made...well, you would need to hold hands...for comfort and safety.
Millie is a very cute child!
Another parallel....I remember just such occassions on the farm when the cows were always getting into the orchard....such happy, happy days that I miss terribly.
Your "mad" whimsies are such fun. I thought the owl was great but the cat with duck is priceless. It will definitely sell!
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