I did come home feeling relaxed but have just been to the physio who has done things to my back and it feels rather uncomfortable.
The good news is that we walked every day and sometimes for the whole day.
Visiting the family is always a joy as we dont see the Melbourne family very often, the grand children are at the stage of growing fast and Evie is now a tall very slim and attractive almost teen ager while Will is very busy just being Will.
Here are a few photos taken on walks not far from the house and one of Evie picking up the ball at netball which they unfortunately lost. That was Saturday. I dont seem to have a photo of Will, he has very uncanny knack of not being around when there is a camera. Both have grown and it was lovely to catch up with them.
So the view of the beach from the top of the cliff before we cross the road on the beach walk we do.
A house I rather liked on another walk in the more suburban part, the freesias that were out in the garden. I have to say the garden is almost non existent, the back is being remodeled and the front is waiting for time to put a new underground garage in, it all takes time and they are busy working people.
Then the view back to the Yacht club and the exposed reef that had all sorts of interesting things on it, and finally Evie at netball.
Getting home of course means food, washing, emptying out the suitcase and collecting the cat.
My quote for today is by one of my favorite childrens authors, Arthur Ransome, I was brought up on the Swallows and Amazons series and still enjoy re reading them today.
"Grab a chance
and you won't be sorry for
a might-have-been."
1 comment:
Glad you had a good time despite the weather Penny. I love freezias, they are so tough too. That house looks interesting but why does everybody paint their houses such drab uninteresting colours these days? Cheers, Robin
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