Great excitement here as the Company which we supply our milk to has offered us an all expenses paid trip to California, we have never been offered one of these before and so although John kept on saying he would prefer the money we would be mad not to take it so in early April we are off to one of my most favorite cities, San Francisco, I took the first photo when we were there in 1999. I hope to catch up with Barbara Willis there if even for a quick meal, not much time on these trips. We tour around a bit to areas we havent seen and go to a couple of dairy farms and then hit LA and we will extend our trip for a few days and go and visit my good friend Patti Culea in San Diego. I loved San Diego as well and I couldnt be more thrilled. I went there in 2001.
this is something I didnt think we would ever manage to do but as the major part is all expenses paid it seems silly not to save for a bit of extra time, a week doesnt seem long enough.
So I am on a high at the moment.
Lucky you Penny I am green with envy.
Have a brilliant and creative time. Everyone needs a break and if most of the expense is met, well all the better
So, you're heading in my direction? I'm out in the boondocks, no dairy farms here, sadly. It'll be nice just knowing that you're nearby for a few days. I know you'll have a good time!!!
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