I made this small bag ages ago for my Thread Studio Playways project and someone at painting class saw it and asked if I would make her one.
trouble is I know that the way I did the lining came out of a magazine, probably the whole idea did but can I find it? I was sure it was in an Australian machine embroidery mag but I havent found that one.
I hope I can work it out as I think the sides of both the lining and the bag were sewn first and then the top edges and then turned through. Any help would be great.
A depressing day yesterday, my mother in one of her I want to go home and I hate it here but I dont have a home days. It is so awful and she insists she can look after herself, which she cant and she cant even come down and stay with me as this house would be a death trap for her. She doesnt realise she forgets things. Oh what do we have to look forward to!!
I'm so sorry to read of the troubles with your mom. I relate very well to those, but my mom is gone now.
Try to stay strong and get help from other family members. Caregiving is such a hard job and so under-appreciated.
Know that I appreciate it very much from way off in Chicago.
I think technique you are thinking about is this (if not it ight work anyway): with the right sides facing sew the outside bag pieces together down one side, across the bottom and up the other side. turn the bag right side out. Pin handles to outside of bag, raw seams aligned. sew the two pieces for the lining together in the same way, but leave a 4" gap in the bottom seam. leave the lining inside out and place the bag inside
the lining with the right sides facing and all raw edges aligned (so the handles are sandwiched and hidden inside between the layers). Then stitch around the top of the bag. Turn the bag right side out through the hole in the lining and slip sitch the lining closed. hope this helps/makes sense. (i do have proper instructions I could copy and send - if you need them let me know)
I have made a purse the way I think you are trying to remember - and I cannot remember how to do it either! I have it in front of me, and I can see that the side seams have the purse and the lining sewn together at same time (not sewn separately and then joined) and the seam ends up hidden between them. And there is a seam at the back where the flap meets the bag - right? I know that when I made it, I thought that the instructions couldn't possibly work, but they did.
However, it's now bed-time; I am sure to wake up at 2am, yelling "eureka" - if I do I shall post what I remember straight away LOL.
Woohoo - I remembered how to make the lined pouch! Well, I didn't really remember, I started to deconstruct the one I made a couple of years ago. Luckily I figured it out without undoing the whole thing.
Anyway, I have made up a tutorial, and posted it on my blog. Take a look and see if it is the technique you were thinking of.
Jocelyn. http://pinsneedles.wordpress.com/
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