Saturday, July 21, 2007

TAST Arrow head stitch

As usual a wonky line on my embroidery stitches, my book will be full of wonky lines!
I loved this stitch as it has such a geometric look as used in African and North west American tribes.
I walked this morning trying to blow this cold away, went over near Middleton at Bashams Beach to see if there were any whales, if there were I didnt see any but while John read the paper I walked the beach and tried out the new camera. I cannot see a thing in the led display so it was point and hope I got something, my old digital I could see through a view finder. This one is hopeless. Any way I was pleased to get this oyster catcher who was eating the insides of sea urchins that had been washed up on the beach.
I must see if there are any ideas on how to see a led in bright light. then again it may be my wonky eyes and the glasses I have.


neki desu said...

your rusted fabric is really nice. Yes, wish you lived near so we could play.Thanks for stopping by my blog.


neki desu

pd. love your watercolors.

Doreen G said...

What do you mean wonky lines Penny if I lean my head to the right a little bit they look ok to me.
he he