TAST bullion stitch. We have a strange plant here, I am not sure what it is called, rather like a rush who has its flowers tucked down at the bottom of its leaves so as bullion stitch is one I have a few problems with I thought that this was a good way of using it, and not going overboard with the stitch!! Oh and there is a caterpillar on a leaf.
My computer has been off line for a day or so while being fixed and then when it came home it
didnt want to talk to the scanner so John spent a very frustrating day yesterday trying to get it all together. I now have to scan in a very
convoluted way and hope I will remember how.
I had bad stomach pains all yesterday morning so I didnt do any of the things I was going to do but I did finish the little jacket I am knitting but to my dismay found that the red that came off a top I was wearing while I was knitting it didnt come out in the wash. Will have to be second best. I am now knitting a pair of boottees. I feel a bit tired and washed out but better, thank goodness.
Very wet and windy yesterday but at least I watched the football and saw the Crows win.