I have finished my stitch a day for 2017. It has been a great thing to do. I am amazed I have managed it. On yesterday's walk I picked a tiny bunch of leaves and flowers and sketched it today. We had a nice morning, going over to Goolwa to the market. Our chilli's haven't set yet and there is a guy there who has really good chili's. I also bought some blue petunias, they are now planted in pots. We went over to get some odds and ends from the container at Tabs. I have done a few more pots but have run out of potting soil.
We will have a quiet and early night tonight, I am having a pre dinner bubbly I do hope 2018 is a better year than last year, no guarantee at our age. I wish all my friends a brilliant 2018.
Cool and blustery with the odd shower on top of the cliffs this morning. We have had a busy few days, but finally this walk, I am wearing one of Linda Jenkind (Kangaroo Island) lovely hats. Yesterday we went to lunch to celebrate New Year a little early and Johns birthday, a little late. Lovely lunch and lovely people. I have some photos of the lovely garden but as my camera battery was flat this morning and we took these photos on Johns phone and then I have the most awful trouble finding them on the computer. Upside down and not where I normally have photos. Any way this mornings pictures are done. I have taken down the front curtain, so much lighter and much nicer. We went to the market and I have been tidying things up a bit. No room for stuff!! I really need to get my act together.
After a few tiring days just a few photos from around and about. The weather has been rather difficult. Hot and humid. We are still working out how to keep this house at a decent temperature, it is a bit of a hot box and I really don't want to keep the air conditioner on. The farm house always cooled down quickly AR night, this one doesn't. We had a lovely day yesterday at McLaren Valae celebrating Johns fishing mate D'Arry Osborne 91st birthday. Too much food and possibly too much to drink. I didn't do the tour of The Cube as I get claustrophobic, a shame but too many people, better to sit and wait. We seemed to get quite a few cards this year, now letters to write as I didn't quite get around to cards. I found this year rather a struggle. Found this alstromeria flowering, I don't think it ever flowered at home and the resident ? Can't remember er it's name, is flowering. Struggling to find room for boxes of clothes I have finally opened. Now it is summer my winter stuff is no use but I do seem to have a few more summery things I can get into thank goodness.
We had no internet on Christmas day, some of the family managed to ring but not all. We had a quiet day, our normal morning walk at Pennington Bay, this has been quite a Christmas tradition. John cooking lunch ( and dinner) scallops and salad for lunch and prawns for dinner. Then we took Max to the beach at Baudin Beach where he can run and enjoy himself without other people around. Ther ferry is stopped on Christmas day. This morning we were packed and off by a bit before 8 am. The drivers side window of the car wouldnt close so we had to take Max up with us. He wasnt too sure about all of this but was ok. It was a rougher crossing than we have had for a while and I felt quite queazy, not helped by a large sheep truck just below where I sit outside. Any way we are home now and most of the un packing is done. All very tiring. I do love the house on the island, so open and I can see the s3ea. Here I feel enclosed and it really is a hot little box.
We went over to the market at the Bay of Shoals, then on to Emu Bay, our old stamping ground when the children were little. The house we used to stay in hadn't changed much and is on the market. Lots of photos on my camera!! Home for lunch and a short snooze and then off to find a beach to walk Max. The one we usually go to had people and dogs but we went on ro Baudin Beach, people, but found a staircase down to an ineresting beach. Shells to be found. Two tiny cowrie included. There were fishing boats anchored off Christmas cove this morning, more have arrived since I took these photos. I did a tiny painting of my flowers, water colour pencils. Not very good but a record. I usually do at least one small painting while we are here, although I think some of my get up and go has gone!. The weather has been stunning, very mild and pleasant.
There has been a small problem with the Internet so there may be 2 postings today. I also can't get my camera to speak to my tablet and as I am a little worried about taking my tablet with me there will be lots more photos when I get home. We did a bit of a round trip yesterday, down to Baudan Beach to see the gallery and took photos at the beach itself. Then to Antechamber Bay for a walk, the Roly poly seed heads are always good for a photo, this is near where we parked the car, didn't think it wise to take it on the each. Lunch at Dudley Winery, then home for a snooze, that was about our day. Off to the farmers market soon, old be fun but quite a drive.
Lovely to take Max, and ourselves to a beach with no one on it. I love e these very typical Kangaroo Island beaches. Max is a rescue dog and had a very hard life before we got him. Loved the farm but changes unsettle him although he has been very good. We went out to the pub last night for dinner, very good food,there must be a new chef. Trouble is we must be getting older, we seem to get tired so easily. We were given a magnificent snapper last night. John is cooking it, we have friends coming in to help eat it. My gorgeous little Robin and nest is made y my favorite KI artist Wendy Leoni me, I love her bird houses and this my present to myself.Sorry that should be Leonhime
Before I went to bed last night I looked outside and couldnt believe how wet it was, so a re jig of the cooling and opened up all doors and windows and with nly the fan had a good nights sleep. still pretty humid and warm but much better. We have had lots of interesting clouds on our walks this year, but were out early and by the time we were back to the car the sun was getting rather warm. I am busy packing, we are off to the Island in the morning. It will be rather interesting as the dog will be coming as well as George. Hope he behaves. Just had a de flea but I cant wash him, he is inclined to take off my arm! I am not sure how I will manage photos while we are away but no doubt there will be plenty from the house. Until tomorrow.
My gorgeous granddaughter Gabby cut me some of her lovely agapanthus when we called in to deliver presents, managed to see both our great grandchildren and our youngest grand daughter as well. On a very sad note our latest great grandchild Summer Rose passed away last week aged 6 months. She had a very rare genetic condition. So upsetting for us all. I just hope they can now get back on with their lives. A baby girl tucked into our hearts.
This orchid has survived the move and has just opened another flower spike. Quite hot and humid, not terribly pleasant weather but an early morning walk was very pleasant. I came home and wrapped the cakes and made a batch of biscuits. I think they are all done. Now I am writing lists of things to take to K.I.
We called in to get some absolutely luscious cherries yesterday on our way to lunch, I dont think they will last until the Island some how. I am making another, the last I think, Christmas cake. It is heating up again. On the way home from lunch we took one of the back roads, I love the fact that perhaps I live in the town now but I can still access the roads I have known for years. This was on the way home from friend R who lives at Ashbourne. I dont get to see her nearly as often as I should, it was a lovely lunch.
All made by me, not all of them as I can't find them all. Loved making them. Today we went to Adelaide to deliver a few presents and caught up with my sister, friend P and lunch with dear friend R. Home now, tired. The last few days have been busy always the way pretty Christmas. No walks, other things have got in the way. One more cake and some biscuits to make.
There was a lovely cool breeze this morning but it is heating up quickly now. Hotter again tomorrow. I am not good with heat. Must be an age thing I think. My feet swell and I am not at all comfortable in myself. I am making some Christmas cards and am half way through another cake. I should have got to it abit earlier I think. I have trouble getting motivated in this weather. I did manage to get the last of the washing done and most is now dry, the line wont take all of it in one day, a small rotary line which hangs over the tomatoes planted by the shed! Not sure why but at least with the water pressure the washing all gets done so much quicker than on the farm. I think it is almost time to turn on the airconditioner.
I have been having problems with my joints. Age is not much fun any more. As you can see things are drying off on the cliffs but it was a lovely walk, not hot, and reasonably even going. Not as long as I would have liked but at least I was out. I really wasnt with it today, forgot to boil the fruit etc on the cake I made today, just happily kept adding the ingredients. Had to just put it in the oven and hope. I think this will be our cake!! It looked ok but a bit lumpy. I am off for the day tomorrow to a class at Aldinga eco village hope my brain is in order for that. I spent a lot of the afternoon making some Christmas cards, nearly finished. I do wish my body would accept the new medication, I keep feeling so tired.