I dont seem to have had a lot of time to blog, and yet I dont think I have done a lot. Part of the problem being that I get tired and sit and sew or read in between trying to get house work and cooking done. Trips to Adelaide or else where dont help.
The clouds were magnificent yesterday, but still no rain and remarkably warm for this time of the year. double click to enlarge the collage photos.
John has gone down with a wog of some kind, never a good thing for him as they tend to go to his chest, but as he said, he has been out in the real world! I have only walked on beaches or cliffs or gone shopping. I think the weather on the whole hasnt helped as I am aching, I think we have an unusually high high pressure which might be the culprit. It is supposed to rain today but so far hasnt looked much like it.
Not a very interesting blog to read! I am trying to get a raggedy anne doll done for when I go up to Mambray Creek next month as it is her 100th birthday and this is a Christmas in July for the doll club I am a member of up there. In doing that I cleaned up all my patterns and sorted a corner of my really messy work room. Actually in the tidying and cleaning out of cupboards I seem to have made more mess.
Hope every one has had a good week end and an interesting week.
I get times like these too- I know I've been busy but can't find things to show for it! The weather effects me too. I hope you get some rain and things settle.
We have actually had a bit of useful rain here in the last few days. We have very warm weather here still as well - result of a developing
El Nino according to the weather bureau! Lovely photos as usual.
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