There has but a lot of controversy about our local seals, properly they are called New Zealand fur seals, but are native to this area. Sealers wreaked havok at the early part of the last century and there were very few left and I only remember seeing them in this area probably 10 to 12 years ago and then they were a novelty. Now they are rather a menace, they are said to eat the penguins, they have gone into the Coorong where they eat the fish and birds and now they are 100 km from the sea at Murray Bridge in the river where they disrupted the water skiiing championships and one was killed to a huge hullabaloo. I rather like seals but this is another case of a native animal out of control and the powers that be cant bring themselves to cull them. We walked around the base of the Bluff this morning and there were two in the little bay we used to dive in when the children were small, a large one and this smaller one just below the road by the rocks.
In some places Koalas are breeding too freely and starving themselves out of areas as they eat all the gum leaves. We have far too many kangaroos also eating out good farming land and making an awful mess of both themselves and any ones car that hits them and the big white cockatoos, and corellas, never seen in this area until about 7 years ago, now a menace eating our dairy calves food and scaring them away and making an awful mess of our fruit trees. I know we are also an overabundant species but where next?
1 comment:
Deer are the problem here in the UK I believe and they have to be culled in order to protect the health of the species.
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