I am home from a very exciting but tiring week at Ballarat in Victoria, part of Fibre forum. W and I drove the about 9 hours over on Easter Sunday, I was up at 4 am and then we had a full day or driving, arriving and settling in and then sales that evening.
My class with Samantha Bryant was amazing. I was slow, I got tired, I had to go and have a rest every so often, didnt sleep at night but had a ball. I wasnt sure I was going to get done the fairy that I had envisaged, and at the last moment she wouldnt fly and had to have a tummy crutch with a wheel on it to help er deliver her fairy heads, but I was so pleased with her. I know you shouldnt copy the teacher but I wanted one of Sam's dolls with a flying helmet and goggles (the hardest thing to do on earth when you cant see well and have arthritic fingers but she was a bit the same but different. Quite plump but I love her. Her tag sid she was "Martha of fairydeliveries.com" and under it it said Martha was always late making her fairy head deliveries.
We had lovely people in the class and it was such fun. I have another body nearly done and another started. I dont know when I will finish them as my shoulder surgery is Wednesday but eventually...
Whoops I forgot to say, double click the photos to enlarge and the first photo is my fairy, then the class, I am in the blue shirt 2nd from the end, grey hair and glasses, then one of Samantha's fairies and our table set up for the exhibit and finally Judiths lovely little fellow.
Today I have raced in to shop, not sure how much food we need to lay in but have enough I think and then over to Yankalilla to the Festival there to collect my Mix it up stuff, didnt sell much but there are plenty of presents, and look at the embroiderers guild exhibition in which I had 4 pieces, Im afraid mine all look a bit primitive compared to the others, but then that is me, and another exhibition but I didnt stay for the opening, I am so tired.Off for a short nanna nap!!
I love them all - sounds an interesting course.
Sounds like lots of good fun, Penny.
Best wishes on the upcoming surgery--hope it all goes smoothly.
They are all just wonderful. No wonder you had so much fun making yours - and have started another one. If I don't talk to you before -- please know I'll be thinking about you on Wednesday and wishing you great success.
Your fairy is so quirky and fun Penny. Good luck on Wednesday...you'll be a new woman.
Thank you for your comments and good wishes. The course was the best, lovely class mates just what I needed to keep my mind off things.
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