Things are changing colour in the garden, the glory vine looks lovely but dropping leaves fast. The blue sage looks misty and lovely and that fairy, well I love her and had to put up another photo. She is enjoying her time here.
Tomorrow is surgery day, scared stiff but just have to put my faith in the surgeon and his team. I doubt if I will be posting for a while, at least not until I get out of hospital I think Saturday or Sunday.
We did have a walk on the beach this morning and since then have been trying to get some semblance of order around the house. Have a great week.
Love and best wishes for the next few days Penny.
Lovely, lovely pictures. Sending you the very best wishes for a quick recovery.
Hi P - sorry I did not get to visit your blog until today - hoping the the hospital visit went well. The fairy would make one smile. Go well. B
Thinking of you Penny, and hoping the surgery went well and you are recuperating comfortably.
Do hope the surgery went well and that you're now on your way home and without any pain.
Beautiful pictures, especially the sage. Ours only blooms in spring. Strange that yours is still going in autumn.
I hope you'll be able to take on a new lease of life now.
With love,
Beautiful photos Penny, - love your fairy and hope she watches over you as you recover, - best wishes for a quick recuperation!
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