I just took these three phtos from the bedrooms outside door, the clematis which is flowereing like mad, the roses under the lemon tree, the pink one isnt showing up very well, and the succulent by the door in dry as dry earth.
Not as hot as the weather bureau thought but overcast and very humid.
I was up very early this morning doing my feeds and have to go out soon and do the night ones.
I am trying to leave it as long as possible in the hope that it will cool down a bit.
My feet hate this weather and swell up.
I have been inside doing sewing but I really havent finished anything that I can show.
I think we are supposed to have thunderstorms and rain but it will be interesting to see just how much rain we can manage.
I feel a bit like this haiku by Onitsu
How hot and dusty
these sunstruck
cobwebs glisten
between dry branches
We're having a frosty morning under a lingering full moon. It's a cold -4 degrees celsius here. Hope your summer doesn't prove to be as hot and humid as ours was this year...it kept me inside more than usual!
I forgot to mention how 'beautiful' your clematis vine is!
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