I dont know where the last few days have gone, I know that on going problems with aches and my toe have taken its toll, I was a pretty grumpy old woman when I went in to have a stinking toe redressed yesterday, sick of every time I go in a new idea and its still far from right nearly 5 weeks after it was done.
I dont want to moan on my blog but honestly it has been a struggle and not what I need just before Christmas.
The weather so far, apart from the odd hot day has been lovely, if only one could walk and enjoy it, but these photos from my bedroom door show that even standing by the door had been a delight. Shadows and sun.
I did manage to sit out under the pergola yesterday with a coffee while John was away at a meeting, then felt a bit guilty, mad I know but one cant help the way one was brought up, at my age I should know better.
I have finished the other doll but cant show her yet. I suppose there are some plusses with being house bound, sewing things get done, sort of, I sewed up another 5 birds yesterday, they are now stuffed and ready to be finished off.
Now for the cakes.
I envy your beautiful view...it's all brown and wet here, with a full night and day of rain, more on the way too! Zozie is very cute!
Oh Penny, I am sorry for your toe troubles and hope you are able to be mobile soon, with Christmas coming. I can see you are very versatile in using this time to create, - love little Zozie.
Hello Penny, just popping by to say thankyou for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I'm sorry to hear you are struggling with foor problems and feeling srustrated at not being able to get out and about:)
Oh, dear I should check my typing - of course I meant 'foot' and 'frustrated' :)
Zozie is very cute! I love her toes. Sorry you are still having trouble with your toe Penny. Very frustrating!
I love the expression on Zozie's face! That's a lovely view from your bedroom door, and I sure hope your toe gets all fixed up soon.
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