we managed to walk three beaches today, and get an art exhibition in.
The first photo is the wall of the tiny building the art show was held in, nice stuff but way out of our price range, but I did love this wreath of native plants.
We have been using up food, and there wassome bread left over, for the blue wrens, and finally I managed a shot of this little male through the glass.
A large ship going up the gulf, lovely to see them on the horizon and wonder where they were going and what they were carrying.
Me, not the most flattering photo, usually John gets me with my mouth open as he cant see what he is taking. This was a shot of the beachcomber, bits of rubbish off the beach, a gannets head in a plastic bag, lots of bits of twine and the odd bit of wood. It was quite cool on that beach, (Pennington Bay).
The last photo is of a beach we camped on about 40 odd years ago, with 2 just over 12 month toddlers, 3 other children, 5,4,and3 approx, 4 adults and a pregnant pug who gave birth while we were there! Mad. No car, we were dropped off by boat with our camping and diving gear, we got milk and bread from a fellow on a motor bike and ate fish and crayfish straight from the sea.
When I look back I wonder, but at the time, it was what we did and it was fun.
Well a long day tomorrow so bed is looking tempting.
The wreath is nice, I can imagine you making your own with the beachcombing findings!
wow, Iwish I was where you are, it looks great
Well, by the time you read this you will be home again - probably wishing you were back on the island. It looks like an idyllic place for holidays. Amazing what you can do when you are young and how mad you think you were later on - but I bet you all had a wonderful time! Cheers.
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