Now there is still quite a bit of her left but I loved this photo taken through a port hole. I was told there were three decks below the one we could see in the sand.
I thought perhaps those doing rust projects might like this photo but I will put up a couple more later.
The next is a bit of an explanation of how you can have very tall forests on Fraser Island, they had a thriving timber industry before the greens got rid of it. Now the only thing on the Island is tourism.
Then the base for my little hand bag, I need some cord for it so it is not quite finished yet and I had enough of the fabric left to make a mobile phone bag as well.
Then small or perhaps not so small Mason who is growing and thriving. I have seen him quite often since I got home. He is normally quite a happy little chap although the other day when we took him out to help feed the ponies he didnt think much of me, but it was early in the morning so he had an excuse and his morning ritual was upset.
I am coping reasonably well although I had a full morning this morning, but I am tending to be pretty tired by about 4 o'clock, feeding the dogs and cat and chooks here time and watering, still no rain and thinking about dinner.
When I have to take the rattly old Toyota out and do the larger number of feeds here will be a bit more interesting. I think I will make a physio appointment.