Sunday, February 22, 2009

My diary finally has a cover

There is something about going away that makes one finish something that has been hanging around for ages. I always cover my daily journal but this year I hadnt quite got around to deciding what to do with it. I had begun a wrap that was in a quilting arts I think when we had a Grumpy week end in June and I finally looked at this bit of pinned fabric and thought, right length, so onto the machine and within a couple of hours it was finished. I dont usually put a wrap closure around them but I had this bit left over so on it went. A bit big at the moment but I like to tuck all sorts of news items and things in the ends of my journal so it will fill by the end of the year, infact I will probably have to move the little bee button.
Last year I did brown paper on calico and it lasted all year well with quite a lot of being taken with me so I hope this one will as well.
Quite warm, I think Melbourne will be too so I hope I have the right clothes and I am taking enough to keep me happy if we decide to do very little.
Adelaide is supposed to get back up to 41 again on Friday and John is a bit worried about being away on Thursday too when it will be 39, we get back on a latish flight.
We are trying to water what bits of the garden we can as the sprinker system is not working due to the repairs to the dam, not that there is much but the pots and shade house are a bit of a worry.
Looking forward to catching up with the children and grand children and also actually seeing what Dale has to offer on Thursday, mail order is fine but actually looking is better!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope that you get some rain soon. Just read an article in the paper written by an Australian who now resides in Toronto about the effects of global warmning and how it is making it's mark in Australia. Having read your blog and others it really hits home. I wish other Canadians would become just as aware so that we can all cut back on consumption of resources and get this under control.