Sunday, January 04, 2009

Pt Willunga for Virginia

Late this afternoon we went to Pt Willunga to have a short walk on the beach and have dinner with a friend.
We took the whiting John had caught and we went down to look at what they had been doing as quite a lot of cliff fell in this year.
We had a lovely day, I saw Gaby and Mason this morning so not a lot done but lovely social things.
It has been getting quite warm and the beaches have been wall to wall people.
It is now late and I have once again indulged both in too much food and wine and it is time for bed.


Doreen G said...

It sure is beautiful where you live Penny

Anonymous said...

Really interesting seeing the shades on the beach I haven't seen any of that type here in Canada, what a neat idea. Ours is more the umbrella type but then again I haven't been to a proper beach in ages maybe they now have those kind.