Sunday, January 09, 2022

Warming up

These photos are from the last few days, shells collected from the beach, a trip over to Goolwa on a damp day and the bits of blue crockery I have collected on the beach. None today but quite a lot of glass fragments. Not good for bare feet. It is amazing how much we find. We have had some lovely damp and drizzly days, not many but nice to have some. Now it is warming up again so early beach walks. We avoid going where there are people as at least 80 odd people have covid in our area, more and more. My Woolworth grocery order cannot be delivered until Thursday instead of Tuesday and quite a few things were not available. Goodness knows what my order will look love by Thursday. Little things are getting AA bit of a worry. Thank goodness the garden is giving us vegetables and we make our own bread and the freezer has a reasonable amount in it. We have been warned that deliveries are being affected. I will be glad when this is over.

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