to record my random thoughts, drawings, textile art and anything else I think may be of interest
Sunday, August 11, 2019
While others were having snow we are still in the midst of this icy blast from the south. This morning we went to see how Tabby was going selling her heritage poultry, then on to Goolwa to look at a couple more exhibitions and call in to a couple of open studios to see a friend. lovely to catch up. The lovely red gum sculpture is near there. Home to hot soup that had been in the slow cooker, luckily last night I had looked in the deep freeze and came out with some cooked zuccini that had been pureed and some chicken stock. Hot, delicate flavor and just what we needed. It has been so cold but not much rain. Later this afternoon we went to see if a walk was feesable, at the Kings Beach car park but the wind is coming straight off the antarctic so a photo through the car window of such incredible seas. Then around to Kent Reserve, our usual beach walk, the seas have washed away the point there and a bit of the for dune. We had an interesting walk. I think I have walked enough today. So nice to be in the warm but looking at snow photos has really made me think back to our wonderful days skiing. All done and dusted and we were the lucky ones with hardly any people to worry about and lots of adventures, especially at Falls Creek in the early days.
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