to record my random thoughts, drawings, textile art and anything else I think may be of interest
Wednesday, October 03, 2018
Things happen.
Well as of last night I am now on daily insulin injections. I feel pretty depressed about it but I suppose I am lucky that I have gone for nearly 20 years without it. Now I am according to my health carers one sick woman. They assure me that I will feel a lot better when we get this all sorted out. I hope so. I also hope that the classes I am doing next week in Adelaide will be ok. Just sad I cant get to the doll club reunion on Sunday but I dont need to be any tireder. Still trying to walk, very slowly at the moment, I hope all will be well soon as I feel like shit.
These photos are a couple of days shots around the area.
I hope your medication gets adjusted correctly and you are feeling better soon. Rest up before the class and enjoy yourself.
xx, Carol
Oh Penny, so sorry to hear of your health woes and do hope that you will soon be feeling better and able to do the things you love!
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