The weather has been ridiculous for April, a few very hot days with the air conditioner running today was forecast to be another but it has been, so far, very pleasant with a breeze, I know other parts of the state have been awful. I havent felt much like posting, not sleeping well and aching and over tired. I havent done a lot either, a few early morning walks, a bit of sorting out, some reading and sleeping. Is it age? any way we had an early morning walk this morning and the sky and clouds were quite incredible, the sun was on the Bluff and there was a bit of a sea mist, with lazy little waves burbling in, talking to themselves quite a lot. I just couldnt enjoy it as much as I would have liked as I was aching so much. Partly I suspect as I tried to help John in with the mattress base and it was heavy. To day we are supposed to get a new mattress, it was supposed to come last week, I hope it arrives today.Adelaide tomorrow, I think that it is supposed to be cooler then. I do hope so. I just dont do heat.
We don't move around much when it's hot AND humid. Heat is not as bad here and heat AND humidity. We don't do well in the cold, which is lingering on far to long. We have set a record for the coldest April start ever. Below normal temps and some snow are still in the 10 day forecast. Aches and pains have a lot to do with lack of ambition and/or ability to move around as we did when we were younger. It's hard when you realize that it takes a lot longer to do the tasks we did when we were younger. But we keep our chin up and do what we can, when we can and make sure we are enjoying what we do.
We are getting a new mattress in the next few months. I'm leaning toward a Memory Foam. Both of my grandsons got one and they love it. They actually come rolled up in a box!!
xx, Carol
Hi P- hope you are less achy - hauling stuff can certainly test the old muscles and joints. Love the views of the water. Be well. B
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