to record my random thoughts, drawings, textile art and anything else I think may be of interest
Thursday, October 19, 2017
I found time for a quick walk around the garden.
In between packing!! Sometimes I don't ever think I will get there but slowly rooms are clearing. We get the keys for the shed on I think after 3pm on Tuesday, so tired I can't remember and the keys for the house on Thursday at 9 am. Settlement for the farm is noon on Friday. Oh this is all next week. Will I survive until then. Stuff in the garden is looking lovely and had to have a short break to take photos. The paulonia is flowering, the dolichus is climbing up the native frangipani. Roses are going mad and the first flower on my new grevillia. Shocking pink ivy geranium climbing through the Grey leaved succulent.
Your garden is looking so lovely, thank goodness you have had time to photograph it for you to remember when you are no longer there. I* will be thinking of you next week - Pat from Yorkshire will be moving on the same day, but she has had longer to pack up than you have. Cheers
Penny, I was visiting at Pat's post and learned of your Vertigo and the trouble it is giving you as you prepare to move. I hope all goes well, - my sympathies as you leave your garden. I know how hard that is!!!!
Your garden is looking so lovely, thank goodness you have had time to photograph it for you to remember when you are no longer there. I* will be thinking of you next week - Pat from Yorkshire will be moving on the same day, but she has had longer to pack up than you have. Cheers
Penny, I was visiting at Pat's post and learned of your Vertigo and the trouble it is giving you as you prepare to move. I hope all goes well, - my sympathies as you leave your garden. I know how hard that is!!!!
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