Yesterday a quick trip to see a doctor as I was still feeling unwell. I know a few of the nurses in the surgery, friends of my children. A conspiracy and I was wizzed of for an ecg, blood pressure, blonod taken, etc. All OK and told I probably had a virus that had attacked my middle ear. Nothing to be done, rest and get over it. Huh!! I do feel marginally better today and have worked very hard. Moved into the kitchen. On another topic, around the garden. Some irises are out and the view across the orchard looks good. So tired, still so much to do but one float load is in the shed at the rental. It is trying g to rain
Viruses can really knock you out. Hopefully once the move is done you can get some proper rest.
Love that blood red Iris. Take care of yourself. In my experience, illness will grab you when you are under stress.
xx, Carol
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