I went out to look for some flowers this afternoon, it has been very wet today but there were a few jonquils and the yellow African bulb whose name I ever remember. I went for a drive today after about 8 weeks. Very wet but a lovely winter drive over to Yankalilla to sell more books and then up to McLaren Vale to have a chat and collect my oysters. Then home. Feeling good.
Lovely little vase of flowers.
We have had beautiful winter weather here for the last few days, but the forecast for the coming week is for 8 - 10 degrees above average - does not bode well for the summer ahead! Cheers
Your flowers are lovely. I admit that I rarely cut my flowers to bring in except for Lilac. I love to see and smell lilac. They say I am weird because I absolutely LOVE the sent of geranium. I love the smell when I dead-head them. I always keep a large pot of them on the front deck where I can easily see them because the hummingbirds love them too.
How wonderful that you have a place to sell your books. I usually donate mine to Better World Books. They are located in my town. Sell on the internet and their purpose is to fund literacy programs.
xx, Carol
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