It was terribly windy this morning but as the wind was from the north it flattened the sea out. The skies were pretty interesting too. It has blown off and on all day, after a warm night it is now quite cold as the wind has turned to the south. we had a shortish walk, difficult over wet sea weed but we managed it. There were two oyster catchers but I only managed to photograph one. I love their red beaks, legs and eyes. Home, people through to look at the house and property. I keep hoping some one will come up with a reasonable offer. So depressing. I made a batch of ginger nut biscuits. Have been slowly sorting through a few thins as I had a bad night last night and didnt sleep well. I dont think my stomach likes oysters any more, so I will not indulge again. Quite a nice day to sit by the fire and do a bit of embroidery and sort through things. I bought some fish at the market this morning, N has lovely fish and I do like Coorong mullet, no fishing for John and his lot as the weather has been too rough, so I am off to crumb them and make a salad.
Cool Bird! We have been over run (not really) with catbirds. There have been several nests around our property. They sound like a cat meowing. They always draw our dogs to watch the feeders. But I think they are looking for cats.
Our weather has been overcast. The weatherman had forecast rain, however when I look at the radar map it has gone all around us and not even a drop. Guess I'll have to water the flowers pretty soon.
August here are called the Dog Days with hot and humid weather..though we have had a lot of that in July.
In September the days can be hot, but the nights are pretty chilly and the flowers die.
In October the trees shed and the days turn colder and we will be closed up in the house most days. But I love October because I await Halloween. Do you celebrate Halloween where you live? I would love it year 'round, but then it wouldn't be special anymore.
xx, Carol
How devastating not to be able to eat oysters, one of life's great culinary delights!
I heard about your horrible weather while out in our garden in gorgeous sunshine and a maximum of 25 degrees after a minimum of 10. This is the perfect time of the year to live in the tropics.
I hope you find a buyer soon and can start to plan the rest of your life.
It sounds like a nice in-doors day, Penny. We are in the midst of a heat wave, - have had no rain for at least six week, and dreadful wildfires - thousands of people evacuated from their homes. Thank you to the Aussies who have come to help the Canadian firefighters!!!
These fires are not close to us, but I have two sons and a daughter-in-law in an evacuated area - although they have not left but stayed behind to protect their ranch in case the flames engulf that area.
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