to record my random thoughts, drawings, textile art and anything else I think may be of interest
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Interesting walk this morning.
I am fighting this eye, so annoying. We did manage a short walk this morning to see what was happening to the mouth of the Inman River. From where we normally walk it looked as if it had filled in but what a surprise, it had moved completely over to the right and had quite high banks and looked very different. I rather liked the blue crane on the post and there were lots of birds, presumably with the new direction the river is flowing in there is a lot to eat. Oyster catches at the mouth. I keep feeling a bit sick as all my glasses are wrong but I need something to see at different focal lengths. Should be cleaning up stuff but cant see what I am doing.
Take it easy and let that eye relax and heal. I used to live by one of the Great Lakes in USA. I was always amazed on how the shore changed. We recently went where I used to walk when I was a kid. It was amazing how much the Dunes have shifted. xx, Carol
Take it easy and let that eye relax and heal. I used to live by one of the Great Lakes in USA. I was always amazed on how the shore changed. We recently went where I used to walk when I was a kid. It was amazing how much the Dunes have shifted.
xx, Carol
It must be exciting to see the water and land shift like that - quite beyond anything within my experience,
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