I have had my eye done, it is really weird, because of the hole in the macular I can see long distance quite well without glasses abut close up and reading is to say the least interesting. I have found a pair of old reading glasses which if I hold the page/ whatever close to my nose I can see but looking at the computer screen is very interesting, so there probably will be lots of mistakes. I am feeling rather old and tired, hope I feel better soon. I cant get new glasses for a month and I keep feeling a bit off balance at the moment. I am used to wearing glasses full time and feel rather vulnerable without them. Did remember a pair of dark glasses which help the glare. Just frustrating. One lovely bit of news was that we managed to see the latest great grandchild before I had the cataract op, a gorgeous little girl, 6 lb 14 oz who decided to come 2 weeks early, breach and an emergency c section to boot. She is beautiful. All in the same local hospital. Today John decided I needed an outing so we went through to one of my favorite beaches, Parsons. Of course I couldnt see through the led screen so a bit hit and miss, lovely to be out but felt a bit wobbly aferwards. Hope I can see a bit better tomorrow.