These photos are from yesterday, it was a lovely day then but now it has been grey all day and this afternoon it rained. we need some rain. I have been tidying up, ironing and doing some embroidery. I have been told that my cataract will be done on the 9th of June. Not brilliant timing as the place goes on the market either this week or next and as it is 'expressions of interest' I have no idea when people will want to look through and as I have so little sight in one eye any way I'm not sure how I will manage. Trying not to panic. It would be nice to know where we might live in the future but I dont know that either. Trying to be positive.
The wrinkly sea is familiar - but not your shells.
I remember the upheaval of selling and moving in November 2014.
I guess I missed any past information about you moving. That could be stressful, but don't worry about it. It will all work out. Things usually do. I would hate to have to move. We have lived here since 1976. But I do daydream about winning a huge lottery and moving somewhere warmer year round, preferably near a large body of water and a lot of green.
Relax and don't worry about it all.
xx, Carol
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