The mouth of the Inman River, now open, this morning the scene from the entrance to the beach and just before the sun went in and it started to rain (heavily) the Whalers Complex almost looked as if I was some where in the Mediterranean. It then poured with rain and has been cold and grey ever since. I have been washing, I figure an extra rinse wont hurt anything although the towels may take a bit longer to dry. Sewing by the fire this afternoon has been very pleasant, out here where my computer is it is just a bit chilly. Winter aches which I have been free of for a few months have suddenly re appeared, wretched arthritis. I read that scientists dont think that the weather has anything to do with it. I have news for them.
I have also read that "they" say weather does not effect arthritis. My husband has had RA since "76 and we know better. I have a fascination with rivers and creeks. I live very close to a large river and there are creeks everywhere in this area that empty into it.
xx, Carol
Hi P - sorry I have not been over to your back valley lately. I love the serene nature of the photos in this blog post. And it is grand to see you stitching creativity happening. Go well. B
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