A paper nautilus!! I last found a very broken one so many years ago I cant remember when and that was on the southern beaches of Kangaroo Island. I have never seen one here. We have had some odd weather, no storms here but something down south as there was more sea weed on the beach and big surges of water, so different to yesterday. I love walking the beach, you have no idea what might be found. This one was pretty newly dead, no animal and it did have a small hole but on the whole, the best one I have seen. Some lovely walks, although my aching body tries to tell me that I should be more careful, but heavens, if I dont go out and do it am I just to sit in a chair in the corner? At least the weather has been a bit cooler but warming up and we have a busy week, the silly season is approaching. I have cakes to make next month for all the families and then we will be off to kangaroo Island for a week. Bliss, even if money is tighter than it has ever been. I just love where I live.
Oh my, what a treasure. Even though the walks are arduous -- this shows that they can be well worth it (along with being good for your body *smile*). Lovely, lovely, lovely.
This is really a treasure which you found.The other day when cleaning my small room I looked at all those gathered shells, some of them with holes in them to hang. Beauties of nature. And here they are in a box ....
What a gorgeous find. You certainly live in a very beautiful part of Australia.
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