click twice to enlarge the collage. Sea walks as you can see and around the garden. The blue bee I got from the net, we saw two yesterday on the dianella, blue flower in the collage, tried to take their photo but they were much too quick. We had never seen them before and I am surprised as john knows most things that are around here. On looking them up they are a solitary bee (so why did we see two?) and they live in burrows. Very fast but they came and looked at us. So nice at our age to see something we havent seen before.
I am trying to sew up dolls, have bodies hanging around and now to dress them, Every so often I like to make some Country angels, and I think there is a Santa there too, feel its time the children had some again and it keeps me sane when I dont know what is happening in my life.
Still no rain, warming up again, Not sure how long we can keep watering the garden, one rainwater tank is put of water already although we do have a couple of reasonable sized back up ones. Sorry this is a bit brief but I have jobs to do, one peahen has gone broody and I think so has one of my hens, hooray, just hope she knows what she is doing as I have put a mix of eggs under her.
Hope every one has a great week end, we go to a 75th birthday tomorrow. Our best man, he was younger than both of us!
We have the blue banded bees in our garden too Penny. I have seen up to three on the blue gingers at one time - but like you I have never been able to catch them on camera! I hope you get rain soon, we had a few showers over the weekend, lovely for the garden. Cheers
Interesting bees -- I've never heard of blue banded bees. As always your scenery is lovely.
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