We had a late morning, slept in, unheard of for us but it was cooler and far more pleasant, also we had been out to the pictures, saw The second Best Marigold Hotel, which we enjoyed but I did think the first one was better. It also rained in the evening, 1.4 mm. We had a phone call inviting us to morning tea and to pick plums, just as well we were late or we might have been out walking, as it was I got my walk any way picking plums. We have friends with a farm about 20 minutes away with a netted orchard and they were being over inundated with fruit. Lovely fruit some of whom I took photos of, the plum tree we took fruit from, apple trees, quince trees and lovely tomato plants. I went over with eggs and we came over with a heap of fruit, dont they look lush. The apricots and peaches were over, but we have plenty of peaches from our own tree. Figs are much later and we will probably do another pick when they are ripe as John has a great dried fig recipe.
My freezer is getting full but lovely stewed fruit for breakfast from the freezer during winter cant be beaten. I was also given a lovely fresh plum cake recipe which I must try. Now I feel tired!!
Oh and to Pat, The weaver of grass who made a comment on yesterdays blog about the black snake, I saw it again this morning heading into the bantam house, just a tail and we were not fast enough to get it, I dont mind the snakes, although if you are bitten it is a nasty poison, not many people die but enough to make one pretty wary. I am aware now that it is around so look for it, at least it is keeping down the mice, but I really would rather it went away as I dont see terribly well, only having partial sight in my left eye and the other is getting old and is probably due for cataract surgery before much longer, so sometimes a stick or a piece of bark makes me think it is a snake and gives me a fright. Apart fom that I hope every one had as good a day as I did.
Love your pictures, Penny, - keep an eye out for that snake, - we have rattlesnakes in our valley, and they were most prolific when we first established our farm on the sage brush deserty ground. One day when Charles was out mowing in the orchard a rattlesnake got caught up and landed right on the seat of the tractor behind him, - that made him jump when it rattled in protest and warning.....
Wonderful fruit it tastes different when picked fresh from the tree.
Be very wary and alert for the snake Penny we dont want you to be bitten.
Saw the Marigold Hotel film today, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I went to sleep half way through the first one when it was on tv so cant compare. Loved the dancing though.
Oh Penny that fruit looks, sounds and I am sure tastes wonderfull - wish I could be transported there just to pick some. The idea of a cake with plums in it sounds lovely - any chance of the recipe on your blog?
What a lovely post, especially for we people in the US buried under snow - fresh fruit just a fond memory. But it is warming up today a bit and spring will soon be here. We had a black snake around here forever. I guess they might bite but usually, if left alone, they do just fine and keep the attics and under the steps free from mice.
My mouth is drooling just looking at the photos Penny. I loved picking fresh stone fruit when I lived in the Riverina.
Do be careful with that snake, they can make you pretty sick if you are bitten. Cheers
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