I am very late with my week in stitch, I hope I have caught up by next Monday!
So, last week on Monday not a lot done but there were birds eating seeds in the garden. Tuesday Max and I went for a damp walk, I am afraid Max doesnt look much like a big robust heeler cross, more like a pig, poor old boy.
I had spent the day packing and he knew something was up.
Wednesday was a long day, up at 4 am and over to W and left her at 6 and on the road for Ballarat, we arrived about 3 pm, in time to settle in and not stop until about 9pm when we slept like logs!
Thursday was the start of our few days at Fibre arts, meeting old friends and working too hard. Friday my back was killing me but I did have some wheel bases done.
Saturday was half day so we went to look at a coule of lovely old towns close by and junk shopped.
sunday was back to work, all day, terribly tiring but getting there, I hoped. I went to bed early I was so tired.
This morning we walked the beach, a beautiful morning, flat and lovely although a little warm.
Poor John had to have one of the skin nasties he had taken off his neck re done, so they could take more so I hope all is ok, they seem to think it is a pre melanoma and this is just a precaution.
I have been over to drop stuff in for our exhibition this week end. Now all I want to do is have a nap, but it really is too early.
I hope your back is better though I did smile at the ouch in stitch. It looks like a glorious day for a walk.
That was really funny. Without reading your blog for the day I came to the conclusion that you had been bitten by a rather large bull ant, because you bending your back looked like an ant to me!
Pictures of the beach are, as usual, stunningly beautiful. All the blossom is out here, wisteria, magnolia, lilac and beautiful blue skies, although coldish.
Glad you managed to have a good time in Ballarat, but I know that feeling about the heights of chairs and tables at workshops. Your beach photos are lovely as always. have a happy Easter. Cheers
It's better late than never...and always worthwhile.
Happy Easter Penny...hope the back is better.
you do take the loveliest walks! Glad that you take a camera with you so that you can share the sites.
Had to laugh at stitching "ouch." I think my word would have been stronger and not one for posting. hugs!
Looks a lovely walk, Penny. Hope you've recovered from Ballarat.
Happy Easter.
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