I really wish we had lovely long spring weather but it is always interspersed with wind and heat which makes things go off so quickly and before I know it I will be lugging hoses around.
The peacocks are calling, lizards are on the pots, how I would love for them to be bright green like the ones we saw in Italy.
My lemon tree is laden and the geranium maderense is flowering with its huge purple heads of flower. The redbottle brush is flowering and attracting the honey eaters, the crab apple is out as is the old persian lilac and I even found a flower on a small azalea.
Then we went in for a walk along the road at the bottom of the Bluff, we havent been there for ages but it was a bit more sheltered from the wind, sea and clouds and rocks. Magic.
Take it all while I can.
Double click to enlarge the photos on the collage.
Beautiful pictures. We have green salamanders here. Very pretty. Nino used to catch them but now that he is getting older he can't be bothered any more - much to my delight.
Lots of love to you and John,
Beautiful pictures. We have green salamanders here. Very pretty. Nino used to catch them but now that he is getting older he can't be bothered any more - much to my delight.
Lots of love to you and John,
What a beautiful place you live in, Penny. Thanks for the garden tour.
Lovely garden photos Penny, we seem to have skipped from winter (hardly even cold) to summer in one breath, so the flowers are going off very quickly here too - and very parched as we have had no rain since late May. Cheers
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