Caught up with Sarah and the ponies who had done well, always nice to get a ridden championship in open company.
Caught up with a few friends and bought myself a new geranium (named!!) but its flowers have gone off a bit and for a $1 a lovely big pot of Johnny jump ups that are gracing the new area I now have around the new water tanks. No photops as the weather has been foul, windy damp and cool.
I shouldnt say it is foul as I really prefer that weather to what we are going to get in summer.
Then when we got home friends rang and suggested an impromptu dinner from her deep freeze, as she is a brilliant cook it was great and to catch up with friends I havent managed to see for ages.
I felt quite the social butterfly after the very quiet life we have been leading.
A walk around her garden was a delight, no weeds in sight, not like mine.
I was inspired this morning though to take a couple of photos, the first is the view from our bedroom window, see things are flowering all on their own.
John has brought in to the bathroom from the orchid house this heavenly zygopetalum, not only does it have exotic looking flowers but it has a heavenly perfume to which is added the perfume of the dendrobium delicatum 'red'. I had forgotten I had this one until it flowered, usually they are non descript pink.
so with the hope of a windy walk later on just at the moment all is well with my world.
Amazing what an evening and day out can do.
P - beautiful images - so good when you can bring such beauty into the house and the orchids do last. Enjoy. B
How pretty! Splendid orchid.
Time away from home and having someone else do the cooking always makes me feel better, too. It's like a mini-vacation.
Beautiful view you have Penny.
Lovely flowers Penny.
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