Nothing in particular wrong, it has just been busy, trying to get the bend in the knee right, more walking and exercising, and then not wanting to do much. I have caught up with the blogs I follow on the little notepad but it doesnt have the photos on it that I want.
This was taken the other day when I was taken out for an airing.
Yesterday we went to Adelaide for hair cuts. A long and tiring day but I managed it!
To day was the physio who seems to think I am coming along well, some days I think I am and others I am not so sure but I can walk un aided around the house now which is good.
Sorry this is a pretty boring post but at last I can see a way ahead.
Hi Penny, glad you are walking unaided, I am too,but I know I am not moving as freely as I was at this stage after the last knee - more exercising needed I suppose. I loved that back road of yours when we drove along it. Cheers
Penny I think the anesthetic makes you lethargic and otherwise for quite some time after. Glad you are walking around the house.
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