We had also gone over to Murray Bridge to help support the Dairy Farmers awareness campaign. I think the 2nd photo says it all and the next was a very small part of the crowd, I dont know how many were there but it was a lot and I have to say I think the qaverage age probably was near 60.
Once we get out there is no getting back in as the costs are prohibitive.
It looks as if we are getting out.
I also took some photos of the river, this crazy corella was getting a drink, but the numbers of corellas there was horrifying. Another photo of the railway bridge, the main link for us and the eastern states.
A long and tiring day, it is at least an hour abnd a half drive over to Murray Bridge and the meeting seemed to go on for ever. Nothing new and not really any suggestions of help.
As in most things we go it alone an d if you get too far behind and are too old, like us, too bad.
I think I would rather not have seen the X rays of my knee, better when I didnt know exactly what it was like!
Pretty uncomfortable today.
I have shopped and cleaned and dropped stuff over for out exhibition, lots of good stuff there. I am on selling tomorrow morning and then up to Pt Willunga for lunch.
It should be fun.
You know how to pack a lot into your day Penny!Lovely that you could see India's exhibition and chat to her as well.
I read the farmers placards. It is the same over here. Many if not most of the dairy farmers have given up in my part of the UK. It is very depressing.
I feel for you.
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