We went in for an early walk, trying to beat the rain, we did a bit but now we are having a lovely heavy shower, may it keep up.
we were going to walk on the beach near Kent Reserve but the tide was high and there was a lot of sea weed making walking difficult so we headed back across the reserve, I took photos of the leaf litter, the trunk of trees, a pair of magpies who were almost under foot and the ducks, I think are chestnut teal but the sun wasnt in the right place, by the river which has silted up at the mouth.
There were some big waves coming in leaving wonderful manes of spray behind them.
All in all a good walk and looking with fresh eyes at bits that I know well but havent walked across for a while.
Click twice to enlarge the photos.
Circular needles do not make a good knitted nest so now to wait until tomorrow to get the right needles.
Off to look for some white fabric to use as a base for my Jude Hill class.
Oh and I saw a lovely fabric book on Noela Mills Wabisabiart blog that I would like to take and quietly stitch.
Oh dear I dont think I can link to this blog, things keep changing and I have got left behind I think.
I was thinking the same thing when I saw Noela's post and all the beautiful fabric books. It would be great to do a class with her!
Wonderful pics, Penny. Love the spray, and the texture on the bark is amazing. Happy week ahead.
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