This weeks TAST was detached chain and the week before was Chevron Stitch, I have combined the two at the top of the piece, along with a detached chain flower or two and some herringbone stitch as well as Cretan, fly and teather stitch. Just a little collection of stitches on an old linen towel I found in an op shop and cut into pieces. Nothing straight and nothing particularly well done but fills me with some satisfaction that with the terrible trouble I am having with arthritis that I am actually getting something done.
I decided to do some silly lttle wrapped dolls as well, it has just been fun to pick up a bit of fabric from my scrap basket and turn it into something. The second one was actually a shirt collar I had cut off a second hand shirt and had used some of the other fabric, so nice and ethnic looking. Beads and buttons. I have been trying to think of appropriate words to go on the two who dont have them.

I think the strange little blue striped fellow had been put up before. Never mind he would like another view of the words.

J has gone fishing, I have done some washing, a bit of ironing, a bit of dusting, there is bread on and friends dropped in for a coffee and biscuits (I have been baking again, we will all get huge!) and left some plums, more stuff to be cooked and frozen.
I am now going to put my foot up for a little while and read.
I simply love your dolls and it will not be long till I will make one myself, or two or more. I like them so much!
I love your dollies too, Penny. A nice hobby to have that gives you lots of satisfaction but doesn't require more energy that a bigger project would demand of you. We do what we can!!! I would love to still be weaving on my 60 inch counterbalanced loom, but find that knitting needles fill the bill.... Hope you have a nice little session where you feel better.
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