This has to be the ugliest doll I have ever made. Millie thought she might like it, I still havent got it to her so goodness knows what she will think when she sees it!
I think the problem is that the cheeks are up too high and look like mad eyes which are up even higher.
I also made a heap of paper beads today, and a couple made from ice cream wrappers that I had used the iron on, wasnt sure if they would work but they seem to have been ok. They are the silver ones.
I usually make beads from fabric or tyvek so these were a new thing to try out. Not sure why I have never used straight paper before.
I cut up a sheet of paper I had under where I spray and paint stuff so lots of interesting colours.
I am walking and doing mundane things like house work, ;;my toe is being a bit uncomfortable but I am perservering with no dressing on it, trying to get the callous softened so it will not be there in the future. I may be being opomistic, we will see.
It has been beautifully cool but I guess it will warm up again soon. Not wet so I am moving hoses again.
Max and I are still enjoying our early morning walks, we see at lest two pairs of kangaroos each morning, usually a mother and child, the females at this time of the year will have a smaller joey again in their pocket as the others are weaned. They are usually to far for me to take photos but it is lovely to see them.
Your buttons are absolutely lovely to see. And the doll - it will make everyone laugh -it is adorable.
I think Millie will love the doll - it is loaded with character. The beads are very pretty, I must make some more again too. Cheers.
I love the crazycheeks Penny and I am sure Millie will too.
Great paper beads as well.
Love her hair and the little skirt with knots and beads! So festive...she's not ugly at all, just unique!
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