I am sitting here dripping, our evaporative air con doesnt like this steamy weather and nor do I. It is awful and where my computer is is a hot airless little spot.
I took the photo of the clouds building up on my way home from Victor late this morning, it was 36 degrees C then!
I am still working on this small sample and the TAST 2 featherstitch worked in well. I know itws small but I may build it up later, if I ever cool down enough.
Another dressing on my toe, not sure how many different ones I have had so far, it is almost 3 months and has staggered to a halt.
I hope it is not like this for ever.
Dont forget to scroll down and look at my give away, leave a comment before the 27th.
Oh, I am sorry about your dreadful sticky weather, Penny. I know how that can be but today we are having a beautiful blue sky, sunny day in the midst of windy, snowy, grey days. I think it will only last a little while, but I enjoy it while it does...
Cloud and featherstitches are both impressive- we are having 30 degrees less!! brrrrr
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