I am doing Take a Stitch Tuesday 2012. (see my side bar for Sharons blog link)' I did both TAST 1 and 2 before. Not sure how I am going with this one but as the first stitch was fly stitch I decided to add a bit more stitch to my Father Christmas stitch I started before Christmas on the lines of Jude Hills stitchery. I think if you click on the photo you will be able to see the fly stitch acting a bit like a bag on his back.
Thrilled to find I had won some lovely fabric on Elizabeth Creates blog give away, I seem to enter a zillion give aways and very very rarely win, so I am thrilled to bits with this one.
I will have been blogging since 2006 near the end of this month so I must organise some sort of give away.
Thinking cap on for the next few days while I see what I can find.
Santa looks wonderful, Penny. Congrats on winning the fabric!
This is beautiful!
Very cool, I've never seen that stitch before.
Good on you Penny, great win for you. You have certainly been blogging for a while now! Hope you are enjoying cooler weather for a few days. did you lose your power the other day? Cheers
What a great way to do the Santa hair! That's delightful!
Love the Santa, great use of flystitch.
I never would have thought of using it there, but it looks like it belongs there!
nice use of this stitch.
Love your Father Christmas.
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