Oscar? Well he got turfed off the bed so we could have a small sleep to wear off the champagne later in the afternoon, and then we ate nice things again for dinner.
I hate to say it but it was all a lot cheaper and nicer than if we had gone out.
I couldnt get a physio appointment today but will go tomorrow. John had to go to Adelaide for a meeting and his cousins funeral so I spent most of the day hobbling around tidying up, I thought I only did that a few days ago! It is amazing how many magazines and things we manage to accumulate.
We have friends staying over the week end so I am trying to get things looking a bit respectable for them.
I am in a Birthday ATC swap and my atc's are slowly trickling in, it will be great fun as I have been sending them out all over the world for ages.
I will show some in a few days.
It has got quite warm and I must go out and water my pots, I have had a lovely few months not having to worry but now it is amazing how quickly they dry out.
Thank you to all who sent me birthday wishes, it is great to think that people all over are thinking of you.
My mother inlaw's birthday is also on the 4th and we will be celebrating it this Saturday at a family lunch out in the country. I'll raise another glass to you Penny. (I hope we can get away in time for a lovely nap) Lunchtime champagne makes me very sleepy.
Dear Pen,
You look lovely and so does Mr Oscar - a very smart gentleman indeed. Nino is plagued by a yellow ginger cat who comes to try and take away his territory. We call him Yellow Delaney. I was under the shower yesterday and heard some dreadful yowling outside the bathroom door.l Once I had got out from the shower and managed to see what was happening I realised that Yellow Delaney had oome up via the balcony and was getting himself ready to take over Nino's breakfast,his home and everything belonging to him. I soon dealt with him and poor Nino had to sleep it off for the rest of the day. There was fur everywhere!
Lots of love, also to John,
Looks like a truly lovely, and yummy, birthday celebration. Happy birthday!! and wishes for swift healing and pain free knee! xo
Happy belated wishes Penny, hope it was a lovely one.
I agree with Virginia, you look lovely, Penny. One of my grandsons turned 19 on the 3rd.
Wishing you a good year, till your next birthday!
The lunch and the bubbly look quite good! You look slendid, dear, on your BIRTHDAY!!!
You have collections of things...books, flowers, magazines...just like me! It is a struggle to keep things cleared out a bit. I am constantly looking for what to organize/throw-out next!!! LOL. :)
Lovely pictures of your birthday Penny, - and it sounded like just the perfect way to celebrate The Day. Have a happy year....
I enjoyed all your photos, but the last one of the kitty is wonderful. And so peaceful.
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