Friday, August 17, 2007

A clutch of hearts

What you may ask is a clutch of hearts doing on my blog.
Well my daughter asked if I could remember how I made a cot string for her other daughter and this is the beginning of that string to go over a pram or cot. Nice bright colours, John says he hopes she doesnt get myopia looking at them.
I feel I have to put up something other than photos but things are being done, but slowly.
I seem to get tired and try not to feel depressed by keeping busy.
Adelaide today to see my mother, spaced out but she listened as I knitted and prattled on for almost 2 hours. If you look at my With Boots and sketchbook blog you will see my tirade on what is going on with her.
No disasters at home today so we will see what the week end brings.

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