Saturday, December 24, 2022

Wishing any one who reads this Merry Christmas.

This has been a difficult year. Deaths and births. We lost a granddaughter and a very old friend. John's fishing mate D'Arry Osborn who had a good innings, just short of his 9th birthday. Two new great grandchildren. Hugh to Isabelle and Danny, at that gorgeous age of smiling and burbli and baby Paige time Jarrod and Tanya. The tribes are growing. John is busy reviewing books which is keeping him busy. I am slowing down. A few arthritic bits of me telling me I am getting old, still knitting and hand sewing. My walking has come to a bit of a halt as my back, well enough said. We will have a quiet Christmas, just the two of us, some scallops, prawns and brandy butter on the fruit cake I made. One of 5 made this year. John made 8 mugs of pate. All almost delivered. I seem to sleep a lot more. I miss Kangaroo Island but we did manage to get over for a day which was lovely. Sarah and I managed a trip to Victoria, she was judging, I managed to catch up with old friends and subsequently she ought a newly born colt foal having seen it's full brother Next year who knows but at some time in April we need to be out of here and in to a new place. Not a happy thought. Wishing any one who reads this a lovely happy Christmas and a healthy New Year.

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