Sorry about the spot on my camera lens. We walked along the cliffs from Petrels Cove and the northerly was making the waves quite spectacular with white horses but I dont think I really caught them. It has got hotter and hotter and unfortunately windy so my hay fever has struck with a vengeance. i have done a bit of inside tidying and was going to do more outside but every time I go out I cant breath and my sinus aches so I have decided it is better to be inside. A friend came over to visit yesterday which was great, and we have other friends coming to stay the night next Tuesday, we were supposed to go to the solicitors today but they cancelled and we have to go on Monday, better weather but I had hoped to have a day to make beds and clean up. We have a fairly busy week end as well so tomorrow I will make beds after I have shopped. So much I would like to do outside but the ground although drying out with this wind is still too wet to pull weeds and well I dont think it is worth me going out or I may not move for a week. I rather liked the magpie, there were a lot along the path as we walked and this one flew up onto the post very conveiniently.
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